Lockport Crossings Outlots – For Sale or Lease
This listing consists of 4 outlots – sizes range from 0.97 acre up to 3.3 acres. Located 1/2 Mile west of I-355 Interchange at a new stoplight intersection. All lots are fully improved with sanitary sewer and water, and off site detention.
Property Information Page
Lockport Crossings Center
This 6,000 sq ft center is located just east of the lots and has a 3,000 sq ft space available. Tenants are Enterprise, Cleaners and Tobacco Store. The property is located down the street from Lockport Township High School which has more than 3,800 students attending.
Property Information Page
For more leasing information, contact:
Matthew Smetana
(630) 572-5632
Mike Wesley
(630) 572-5610