This single story brick medical office building is located at 2197 Blackberry Drive in Geneva, IL, at the SEC of Bricher & Blackberry Dr.
There is good access to the building with frontage on the southwest corner of Bricher Road and Blackberry Drive, just east of Randall Rd. and just southwest of Rte. 38/Lincoln.
The current layout was utilized for a primary care physician’s office and consists of a central hallway with skylights, reception room, and central administration area, 8 exam rooms, procedure room and blood drawn area, 1 wash sink per room, kitchen area, private offices and 3 restrooms.
Building is 5,145 sq ft of finished office area with a 1,000 sq ft unfinished basement.
For More Information on our Investment Sales Services Contact:
Jeff Kowal
(630) 572-5611
Rich DiBernardo
(630) 572-5602